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Where to Post Social Video for Real Estate Agents

March 04 2021

zurple social video for real estate agentsSo you've discovered that the camera on your phone isn't just for still photos. It takes decent quality video, too! Some agents might not be taking advantage of this as they should. Video is a great way to show off your personality and build likability before meeting your future clients.

But where on social media should you post your videos?

Here are the social networks that real estate agents should post video to:

1. TikTok

At this point in time, it's not an absolutely necessity to be on TikTok as a real estate agent—but it helps if you don't know what type of video to film. Search through the #realestate hashtag and see what the most influential agents are creating, and do that. While you might not get business directly from TikTok, you can repost those videos to Instagram and Facebook to optimize engagement.

2. Instagram

There are four places on Instagram to upload your smartphone videos: The primary feed, Instagram Stories, Instagram TV, and Instagram Reels. How overly complicated right? If you could only choose one, I'd recommend utilizing your Stories. Stories can lead to direct messages and can be "pinned" to the top of your profile, which comes in handy for highlighting your current listings.

3. Facebook

Facebook is the best place to get high engagement in a short amount of time. For videos about open houses or listing tours, use Facebook. With Facebook, a video posted today will be forgotten a month from now. So make your videos timely, as they'll be forgotten eventually.

4. YouTube

YouTube is the best place to upload video that will bring residual traffic to your website. A video you post today can still generate real estate leads two years from now. YouTube videos are also the easiest way to be found on the first page of Google, since each video is indexed by the search engine.

To view the original article, visit the Zurple blog.